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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Tag - indian subcontinent

uncharted backpacker passu

The Passu Cones in Hunza Valley, Pakistan Travel

Passu and Gulmit – Pakistan  Time, it is a measurement used from old to new, to what you’re doing right this moment and into the unknown future that lie ahead. Time inevitably affects us all. Time in the west is something we either race against or ignore altogether. Time is what makes you choose life changing decisions and ultimately to grow old with experience...

Qawwali Sufi Ceremony: Lahore Pakistan

Late one evening while in Lahore Pakistan a friend invited me to a Sufi ceremony. Little did I know one of the most popular Qawwali bands would be featured at this ceremony. This particular ceremony lasted one and a half hours, and I sat front row with the band. Listening to the powerful rhythms of Qawwali put one into a trance, a soul beating spiritual trance where...