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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Yemen, A True Travel Story to the Most Dangerous Destination in the World

Yemen Travel This is a true story, not one you would expect to hear. It is one I have hesitated to tell as I did not want to encourage others to follow my path. I also do not want to create a negative image of Yemen as its people are some of the most hospitable and welcoming people on the planet. This is the full story of my two-month adventure in Yemen which brought...

Yemen Travel Video

Yemen Travel Video  Yemen Travel Video This year the team at Uncharted Backpacker visited the war torn nation of Yemen to promote future tourism and hope for this absolutely stunning nation. Despite the war raging between the different political states and foreign influences, Yemen’s people prevail and are optimistic that when the war is over, tourism will...

Hiking in Manakha and the Haraz Mountains, Yemen

Manakha, Yemen The media shows the civil war raging on in several regions of Yemen, but what it fails to show is the absolute blissful peace high up in the mountain top settlements of Haraz. Miles of terraced fields cut their way up the mountain side all the way to the gates of the gravity-defying, medieval Yemeni villages.  The trails twist and turn through the...

Shibam and the Hadhramaut Valley – Yemen

Shibam, Yemen As the hours begin to lead up to it all, my mind starts to race. Traveling to Yemen is something I’ve always wanted to do, but because of Yemen’s war and political strife, it seemed an impossible task. Now, as I sit in a haze of hookah smoke in a Salalah cafe with a shady permission form from one of the governments in Yemen, I am finally going...