Travel Journal

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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Journey through Yemen – Yemen’s War and Travel

Sanaa Yemen What brings a traveler to places like this? Is it the desire to be so far from other travelers and achieve an authentic experience, or is it the thrill of stepping into the forbidden and unknown corners of the world? When it comes to Yemen, I found my attraction drawn from its plethora of historical sights and its splendid natural beauty. But if I am to...

Traveling the Axis of Evil – War Zones, Conflict Zones and Dictatorships

There comes a time in every traveler’s story where scooter trips in Thailand don’t cut it anymore, where the average adventure no longer satisfies the thirsty traveler. When travelers open a world map to discuss where they are going next, many quickly disregard many of the world’s most fascinating destinations due to war, politics or simply lack of information. These...