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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Travel War-Torn Mosul, Iraq

Mosul, Iraq All that remains is the lonely ghost, what was once a city of beauty, now reduced to rubble. Streets once filled with life, are now empty. This is the impact of war when evil wins. I am not myself walking the barren streets of old Mosul nor would anyone who witness’s this firsthand. But amidst the destruction, there is a palpable sense of determination to...

Travel Iraq Guide

Travel Iraq Guide For as long as I can remember Iraq has been in my life, but for all the wrong reasons. War on terror, car bombings, and more recently the Islamic State claiming the majority of the nation’s northern regions. However, over the past few years, something special has been happening here. Isis is gone, the streets are safe, and travelers are...

Detour through Iraq: Kurdistan, Iraq

Iraqi, Kurdistan For almost my entire life Iraq has meant war. From the so-called threat of weapons of mass destruction to the media constantly reporting about Bush senior’s gulf war grudge against Saddam. What the media and all those with preconceived notions of the country tend to leave out is the history, Iraq’s incredibly diverse people, some of the most...