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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

A Guide to Traveling the Former USSR

Former USSR It’s remarkable, every ex-Soviet Union country I visit I can still feel the remains of the great empire it once was. The Soviet Union left its mark on these nations’ architecture, politics, food, and even its culture. Scattered across 15 different countries you will find old military equipment, structures reminiscing a villain’s layer, dictator...

Weary Silk Road Travelers, Samarqand – Uzbekistan

Samarqand, Uzbekistan  The dust seeps into every crevasse of our old, beaten down car. Our driver, an ancient Uzbek man, cranks the speaker’s volume on high, blasting out the cords of Uzbek tunes and folk tales. Crammed beside me in the car is a middle aged man, a child, and her mother, who are all eating fermented sour cheese balls called Kurut. It’s been over four...