Travel Blogging Tips

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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

How To Become A Travel Influencer And Get Paid To Travel

Become a Travel Influencer and Get Paid to Travel

Becoming a travel influencer and getting paid to travel After all those Facebook ads of young travelers living amazing lives traveling the world and seamlessly making money while doing it, you have decided that you also want to have what they have. If it were only that easy, those travelers you see also happen to be incredibly hard-working, marketing masterminds and...

Best Travel Drone For Travel Photography

Best Travel Drone – Drone For Travel Photography

The Best Travel Drone The world of travel photography and videography is changing fast. The days of having to rent a small plane or hot air balloon for copious amounts of money to get a eagles eye view are no longer necessary because of the availability of consumer drones. Drones are not only greatly increasing our creativity with photography while we travel, but for...

The Truth Behind Travel Blogging – Why You Should Have a Travel Blog

Travel Blogging Every traveler these days seems to have a travel blog. In a world that is connected in all ways imaginable we are constantly bombarded with happy couples in Paris, solo travelers backpacking in South East Asia, and Instagram stars on exotic adventures. With so many travel bloggers, and Instagram/Facebook celebrities it seems as if starting your own...