
Ethiopia’s Northern Circuit – Rock Hewn Churches of Lalibela and Mekele

From Lake Tana, the road goes east through majestic valleys to Lalibela. The road conditions are some of the worst in the entire country of Ethiopia. I arrived late in the evening; after about nine hours of bumpy buses, breakdowns, and coffee stops. Luckily, my hotel was nearby to where the bus dropped me off. I chose to stay at the Alef Paradise Hotel. Room rate was...

Ethiopia’s North – Addis Ababa and Lake Tana

Addis Ababa and Lake Tana – Ethiopia  Ethiopia’s Northern Historic circuit will erase all preconceptions you have regarding this nation. You will witness rock-hewn churches carved by angels, towering obelisks built by the ancient Aksumite Empire, and impossibly green mountains inhabited by armies of gelada baboons. You will cross terraced farmlands, frigid...

Libya Uncharted Backpacker

Libya Trials and Tribulations: Life in Libya After the Revolution

Tripoli and Leptis Magna – Libya When you think of Libya, images of violence, revolution, and the former dictator Muammar Gaddafi probably come to mind. While violence is still rampant throughout the country, the revolution is over and Gaddafi is gone. This is a new Libya: a nation facing political chaos in the aftermath of revolution. Free of the tyranny and...

Libya Uncharted Backpacker

Libya Travel Guide

Why Travel To Libya? Ask anyone in the travel world about Libya and you will get a blank stare. It is best known for the terrible conflicts that have occurred over the past few years, but in fact, it has the potential to become one of Africa’s and the Sahara’s greatest travel destinations. Imagine the largest ancient Roman ruins. Lost Saharan Cities. It has some of...