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GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Tag - Southeast Asia

River Skrang and the Batang Ai, Sarawak

River Skrang and the Batang Ai, Sarawak – Borneo

Sarawak Borneo “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” There you go, I said it. I’ve always felt that it was just another cliché-stupid-feel-good-about-yourself saying, but this time, I perceived it with real meaning. As my boat cut further up the River Skrang, time came to a halt. The muddy waters, the ancient, massive jungle foliage hanging over...

Getting a Hand Tapped Dayak Tattoo in Borneo

Sarawak Borneo, Malaysia In an almost trance-like state, I lay on my back as the needle is pounded into my shoulder with a wooden stick. Traditional Sape music is playing in the background. Two tattoo-clad Iban, kneeling beside me, concentrate deeply as they slowly punch the ink into my skin. Then, out of the silence, Boy flamboyantly calls out “Maa Guii!” and we all...

Exploring the Temples of Angkor – Cambodia

Temples of Angkor, Siem Reap – Cambodia Cambodia, a country of deeply rooted culture, emerald rice fields, ancient temples, and a horrific past. Mentioning the name “Cambodia” to the younger generation inspires thoughts of of backpacking and South East Asian adventure. Ask someone whose memory stretches back a little farther, however, and you will be shocked to...

Temple Hopping Around Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan, Myanmar The soft shades of light shine through the tall, prickly trees, dropping shades of orange and yellow along the dusty road. The warm air breezes past my face as I ride my electric scooter. Traditionally dressed farmers with baskets balancing impossibly atop their heads, push cattle and goats through the fields beside me. In the distance, hundreds of...