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Tag - Peru

exploring chachapoyas peru

Chachapoyas, Peru – Chachapoyas Ruins Travel Video

The dense cloud forests blanketing the valleys around Chachapoyas, Peru hold many secrets. Swinging my machete to clear the brush we push on deeper into the unknown in search of archaeological sites shrouded in mysterious mythological tales. Above, the tombs of ancients cling to the cliffs, now and then a human skull protrudes from the brush fallen from its final...

Into the Heart of the Amazon – Peru

Peruvian Amazon Caught in a never-ending sea of Amazon jungle we drift deeper in. It all seems so familiar, but at the same time so new to me. With all the tales of lost ancient civilizations, uncontacted tribes and regions that man has never set foot in it begins to take hold of me, encapsulating my curiosity driving me ever closer to its mysterious heart. This is...

Guide To Exploring The Amazon In Peru, Iquitos

Iquitos, Peru  The road ends and gives way to thousands of miles of Amazon forest. In this realm of nature, your only option to continue traveling is by navigating the complex river system. You can go days without seeing any signs of human life, it’s just you and the dark, dense, rain forest. In the center of it all is one of the final frontiers in travel...

Lost Cities of Peru – Chachapoyas and Leymebamba

Chachapoyas and Leymebamba Peru The dense cloud forests blanketing the valleys around Chachapoyas, Peru hold many secrets. Swinging my machete to clear the brush we push on deeper into the unknown in search of archaeological sights shrouded in mysterious mythological tales.  Above, the tombs of ancients cling to the cliffs, now and then a human skull protrudes...