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GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Tag - Madagascar

Antananarivo Madagascar Travel Guide

Antananarivo Madagascar Travel Guide

Antananarivo, Madagascar For most travellers, they see Antananarivo or Tana for short as merely the gateway to the far-flung island of Madagascar. A quick hop onto your 4×4 and you’re out of there as fast as possible. Those who linger here longer find something much different. Underneath the traffic-clogged streets, decaying buildings and mess of power lines is...

The Pirate Tropical Paradise – Ile Sainte Marie, Madagascar

Ile Sainte Marie, Madagascar There is only one way to see this place, join the locals and hop aboard a scooter to zip down the 57km of road here. Look over there! An idyllic beach with a thatched hut village. What’s that you smell? Frying fish and other fresh assorted seafood. Continuing along you dodge chickens, pass by cemetery’s marked with the pirate symbol of a...

Highlights Along the RN7, Southern Madagascar

Southern Madagascar A journey along Madagascar’s famous RN7 highway will take you from grassy highlands to lush rainforests teeming with wildlife, deserts that reminisce a Martian landscape and before finally reaching its western shores. Along the way you will climb massive boulders to find ring tail lemurs, rub shoulders with tribes in bustling markets and hike in...

Travel Madagascar’s Wild West

Western Madagascar The more I travel the harder it is for me to get excited. The once vibrant picture becomes more mundane and “normal”. Arriving to Western Madagascar changed this perspective. Having previously believed I may have seen it all has been turned upside down by this stunning region. When the pavement ends so does the modern world. Ancient Baobabs soar...