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Useful Travel Gear: For Filming On The Go

GoPro Hero 12 Waterproof 5K Video Camera

Tag - Central Asia

Kabul and the Panjshir Valley – Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan Paint a picture. Paint overtop all the military checkpoints, violent past, and whatever else the media has filled your imagination with about this place. Paint locals whose smiles speak for their overwhelming hospitality. Paint clear, blue skies, bourn by one of the most dramatic mountain vistas imaginable. This place is what fairytales are made of...

Hunza Valley, Pakistan – Land of the Immortals

Hunza Valley – Pakistan Paradise: A word often used to describe white sand, blue water and sitting in a lounge chair with your favourite beverage with no worries at all. This may be paradise for many, but not for me. For me, paradise is a place far removed from the fast paced life we live today. A place where the landscapes are like no other on this planet...