Travel Inspiration

14 Tips for a New Traveller

Loosing motivation is a huge reason why people quit early or don’t even travel to begin with. Staying positive and telling yourself “I will travel”. Travelling can be quite a scary thing, but if you stay positive about it you will most likely have a better chance of not backing out. If you're already abroad and are beginning to lose motivation; well you need to look...

uncharted backpacker just travel

Just Travel!

This video is made from a compilation of my travels. I called it “Just Travel”. It’s named this because its purpose is to inspire others to get out the door and just travel like you have always wanted to. Traveling is an incredible experience. So many people procrastinate and end up not traveling. Watching this video can maybe help change your mind and get you on...

The Ganges River Varanasi, India

Photo of the week: The Ganges River Varanasi, India

Varanasi is a magical place at any time of the day, But during sunset if you take the time to just stop from exploring and pause to watch this incredible city transform from the chaotic fast paced day to the peaceful and calm sunset. The air is filled with the sounds of chants and bells from the near Hindu temples that adds serenity to this sublime travel experience...