Backpacking 101

Most Common Travel Scams and How to Avoid Them

Travel Scams Wherever you are in the world, when a destination becomes popular for tourists, there will be travel scams. These scams range from simple theft, trickery and can even result in much more serious events that can ruin your holiday. After being exposed to almost all of these scams in my eleven years of globetrotting I have created this Travel Scam Guide to...

How to Travel the World on a Budget

Budget Travel Tips The life of a famous travel blogger who gets paid to travel is still just a dream to most of us, we travellers must work hard, and travel cheap. Even though it may seem like all my travel is paid for, its not. In fact, I work six months of the year saving up for travel. For many of us this is still not enough to travel to outlandish and exotic...

The Ultimate Travel Packing Guide

Travel Packing Tips Every time I take a new traveler with me on another Uncharted Adventure the first question I am always asked: “What do I bring?”. After 11 years of countless mistakes of over packing, forgetting things, and bringing the wrong gear, I can confidently consider myself to be a travel packing expert. This guide can help you learn the ways of travel...

Do I Need Travel Insurance?

Travel Insurance Travel insurance can be a confusing part of travel. Is it expensive? Is it necessary? These are a few of the million dollar questions everyone asks. Search online whether you need it or not and you will get multiple yes and no’s and numerous insurance companies trying to lure you into their grasps. With 80 countries explored and ten years of travel...