
The End of The World – A Guide to Ushuaia, Argentina

Ushuaia, Argentina  The furthest most city in the world, a place oozing with an explorer, Frontier vibe kinda place. Its the gateway city to Antarctica, the true final frontier, but Ushuaia has many more reasons to visit other than being the starting point to the Antarctic. The mountains of “Tierra del Fuego” at the tail end of Patagonia create a...

11 Reasons to Visit Antarctica Now

Why You Need to Visit Antarctica  The Lure of traveling to Antarctica conjures up tales of immense adventure. Antarctica is widely considered the world’s final frontier for travelers! An expedition to the end of the world is a once in a lifetime experience, but you should not wait to take the plunge and travel here! I could honestly come up with hundreds...

Travel to Antarctica Video

Travel Antarctica Earths last and greatest final frontier, Antarctica! This is the kind of destination many dream of, surreal landscapes teeming with wildlife and following the steps of heroic adventurers. Antarctica is a travel destination that will become your greatest life memory. This is my Antarctica travel video which has rare drone footage as only a select few...

Adventure Travel Photography Guide

Adventure Travel Photography Tips Alas! The days are gone where only the most skilled photographer would be sent on long drawn out photography missions around the globe. Nowadays, any ambitious traveler can stake their claim in the travel photography world. However, with mass photo sharing applications like Instagram and Facebook, it can seem a bit daunting for the...